I need to tell you guys a secret. Sometimes, when things aren't going too well and we spend four hours in an endless wipefest, I get a little cranky. I know. Hard to believe. But it happens. And since we've been banging our heads against Blood Wing (10) and Festergut/Rotface (25), I'd begun to dread the weekend and its jam-packed ICC schedule.
So she took a break from raiding. Got her paladin to 80, geared him for holy. Rejoined her team in ToC, which in and of itself was a huge morale boost. She started making an impression, and felt better about herself and her approach to raiding. By the time ICC came out, she was feeling great, finally gaining some confidence in her abilities and her usefulness to the team. But then said team lost a tank. And a DPS. And someone else every other week. Things got rocky. She considered joining another team, but she stayed, determined to make it work. With every night of silly mistakes, though, she felt herself getting more and more frustrated.
A few people have been talking about the 5% buff, calling it a pity buff. In some ways, I agree. I see where folks are coming from. But... I'm never going to be a hardcore raider. I come from a 'carebear RPer lolololol' background. The only reason I'm raiding now is because WotLK has made it accessible and my guild has made it fun. I enjoy the accomplishment. The teamwork reminds me of my days playing youth sports. But boy howdy is it frustrating sometimes.
Hey man - just stumbled on your blog, and I wanted to say I'm loving the writing so far (and your color scheme).
I noticed in one of your UI shots that it's the same kind of gold/brown. Is that your actual UI, or is that just coloring to make it look like the rest of the blog?
Thanks for the parsing on Trauma btw. As I'm still rocking the mace from ToC25 I'm noticing upgrades in ICC are few and far between. Really wish I could have completed my Val'anyr.
Keep up the writing - good stuff.
I agree with your post, but the situation you describe will only repeat itself when ''lesser'' guilds finally manage to beat LK on 25 normal, unlocking heroic. There are no new buffs (even 30% wont cut it for heroic), no new places to get better gear from so i'm curious what will happen then?
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