- Holy Shock and Flash of Light is going to do a lot of your leg work here; sometimes Holy Light just won't be fast enough.
- Refresh Beacon and Sacred Shield between waves, even if you're glyphed for it. Having it fall off is not fun.
- The first boss requires heavy cleansing.
- If you're getting behind on heals for him, pop BubbleSac and heal up quickly.
- If your group is low on DPS, pop your cooldowns to help mitigate some of the debuff.
- Waves 8 and 9 are particularly nasty, and if someone is left to get sniped from a far, you might lose them.
- With enough haste (potion+food) you can get someone up between waves.
- On that note, use your Divine Plea between waves if you're having mana problems.
- Holy Wrath can buy everyone some time. Use it.
- Turn Evil is excellent for mercs when no other CC is available. Use it.
- Sylvanas has some sort of ab-hardening secret. Use it.
- Blow your cooldowns on the 4th Escape from the Lich King wave.
- Don't get into a rear-end collision with cops sitting right across the street. Oh wait. That one's just for me.