Secret Admirer Project
As Ophelie pointed out, it’s that time of year again! In an effort to start off active in the WoW blogging community, I’d like to host a fun little event modeled after something my guild is currently doing.
Announcing the WoW Bloggers Secret Admirer Project!
What’s the point of this little shindig?
Getting to know a blogger you might not follow yet and trading some exposure for the community as a whole.
When is it running?
Signups start today and will close EOD Thursday, February 11th. The event itself will run over Valentine’s weekend, Friday the 12th through Monday the 15th.
How do I sign up?
Leave a comment here or tweet me @physicianslog on Twitter with your name/handle and a link to your blog.
Can any blogger sign up?
Absolutely! So long as you have a currently active WoW blog and intend to participate in the event to its fullest, toss your name in the ring!
What happens after I sign up?
You will receive a message from me with the name of the blogger you are to admire. Spend the weekend… admiring them! More details on that below.
How it All Works
Signups will be open through EOD Thursday, so leave a comment here or @physicianslog to be added. If you know you’re going to participate, go ahead and make a post on your blog about this project. Hopefully we can get some more people joining in through exposure!
The morning of Friday, February 12th I will randomly assign each participating blogger someone to admire. I’ll try to make sure it’s not someone already on your blog roll, so that you can meet new people! You have Friday through Sunday to provide three separate comments on their post, each giving away a subtle hint as to your identity. These comments can be poetry, flattery, anything creative and fun!
If you have a guess as to the identity of your secret admirer, shoot me a tweet or comment and I will let you know privately if you’re right! The first person to guess correctly will get a custom RSS icon from me, much like the one I have over there to the right.
On Monday, February 15th, make a new post on your blog expressing your admiration for the person you were assigned. Again, be creative!
Sample Post and Comments
Since it’s 7am and I am half awake, I’m going to give an example of the process to cover my butt for any incoherent ramblings above. Let’s say I’ve responded and want to participate. I make a new post on my blog to help promote the event:
It’s Valentine’s Weekend, and you know what that means: Blog-stalking! Well, not exactly. But over the next few days I will be following one (un)lucky individual and showering them with my virtual affections. Lock your doors, it could be you!
On Friday I receive the name of the blogger I should be admiring, then I go over to their blog and find the post they’ve made for this event, leaving a comment a day for three days (or however you want to space it) under an anonymous handle:
Posted by Sulking in Silvermoon: Roses are red, violets are blue, Light help me – I can’t get enough of you!
Posted by Sulking in Silvermoon: How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. I love thee to the width and breadth and height my spells can reach with my Beacon of Light…
Posted by Sulking in Silvermoon: [a repurposed medic’s kit full of love potions is left with the attached note:] Shall I compare thee to a Dalaran summer’s day? Thou art more laggy and full of mammoths—
On Monday, I would make a final post on my own blog enumerating the virtues of the object of my affection (and trying to come up with a better line than ‘laggy and full of mammoth’… I mean really).
Sound simple enough? Sign up below or @physicianslog! And remember, if you have a guess as to the identity of your admirer, get me a message and you could be getting a snazzy RSS icon for your own blog!